“Who’s Laughing?” - Sunday, May 25, 2014, 5:12 PM (Age 24)


There are so many things a good laugh heals, and it’s important for people to exercise this freedom as much as possible. Life is too short to be serious all the time, and those who focus on having the last laugh usually don’t laugh nearly as much as those who laugh first. Although laughing in itself is a good thing, Plutocrats never laugh at the expense of others. This article seeks to define who’s laughing and the right situations to do it.

With You?

Who was the last person who truly made you laugh? I’m not talking about the last person you texted “LOL” to, I mean tears in eyes, doubled on the floor. Who are the people who make a conscious effort to make you smile, and actually share your sense of humor? If you have 100 of these people, congrats you’re winning at life. Most of us aren’t that lucky, and only have a select few that vibe with us on that level. So doesn’t it make sense to cherish these people then? It’s sad but men sometimes spend way too much time trying to impress people who don’t matter, with things they don’t even care about. Even worse is dating a girl who is utterly drab and no fun to be around, just because she’s giving it up. Tell Daria to go chill with Eyore and the other members of the black cloud gang. You’ve got a long life to live, and it’s much better if you’re sharing it with people who are cool enough to laugh with you along the way.

At You?

Remember that time in 6th grade when you finally graduated from the brown bag to a meal plan? You’re feeling good, in your new school clothes, and then it happened. An inconspicuous leg appeared out of nowhere and wham! Now you’re on the floor in a sea of chocolate milk, chicken-fried-steak and crème corn. This wouldn’t be so bad if the whole cafeteria hadn’t seen it ,and is now in an uproar of laughter. Fast forward 15 years later, and nothing has changed. There are still plenty of people looking to exploit the weakness of others, just for a few cheap laughs. When that person is you there is only one thing to do. Laugh. Who said that they were the only ones who could laugh at you? People like them are so insecure in themselves that they could never dream of laughing in an embarrassing situation like that. Let them know that was a good prank, but you will definitely be on the look-out for them next time. In their mind putting you down makes them look more superior to those around them, and if you take the bait it almost always works. Being wise enough to discern this while laughing always puts a bad taste in their mouth, because there is no humiliation for them to enjoy. They just look like a prick who messed with someone cool headed enough to not care. Those in their camp usually have done the opposite. Too scared to deal with it themselves, they spend their time looking for other victims so that they never have to be laughed at again. Let them continue to be lappies, as for you, continue to laugh off the hate and keep it moving.

At All?

It was the great Maya Angelou that said “I don’t trust anyone who doesn’t laugh”, and we completely agree. Have you ever been around these people? So ungodly intense and rigid that just the act of breathing becomes awkward. Not only can you not gauge if they are happy or sad, there is no way to communicate with them unless it’s on their terms. Some revere these people because of their appearance of mystery, but the truth is that they are socially inept. That intensity doesn’t allow for the flaws and mistakes that every human has. Soon minor flaws become glaring ones, and easily fixed misunderstandings become irreparable. These overly dramatic men think they are being manly, but are really showing weakness. The inability to express joy and happiness towards loved ones cripples long term relationships and stagnates growth.  If you want people talking behind your back, and to be left out of most events hangout with these buzz-killers.

For No Reason?

As joyful as life is there are times when it is no laughing matter. Foolish men laugh at the suffering of others, but hopeless ones laugh at the pain of themselves. Unfortunately, we live in an age where people laugh at everything and nothing is beyond the reach of cynical comics. Just days after the terrorist attack on Boston, there were already comedians making it into a punch-line. It’s unsettling to see people mock the dead, and things that are held dear to specific people and cultures. Stand up for the person being ridiculed for a disability or illness. It’s not funny, and seemingly the fact that it is so wrong only makes people want to laugh more about it. Be the one who doesn’t laugh to keep from crying, because you understand the need to do both.


“20 Minutes of New Thought (Mental Health Invention)” Pt. 2 - Friday, September 26, 2014, 9:14 PM (Age 24)