“This Chapter” - January 12, 2023, 4:27 PM

Every year before my birthday and leading into a new year, I fast and pray for discernment on what the theme of this chapter of my life will be.

This phrase or word will become the mantra that I consistently return to during times of struggle and triumph, success and failure, over the entire year.


As I seek this understanding, I'm intentional about clearing any and all external stimuli that may influence this epiphany. Not only that, I ask those closest to me what words come to mind as they reflect on their season.

Progress. Vision. Transition. Consistency. Fork In the Road. Discernment. Favor. They're all powerful words that really resonate with me, but they weren't quite mine.

As a part of this community of friends and family, being on a totally different wavelength wouldn't be wrong per se, but it could be problematic if we viewed ourselves as a team. From a goal perspective, we should be heading in the same direction in key areas, so I was happy to see that we were aligned fundamentally.


However, with this, I then became hypersensitive to my unique environment, needs, wants, and desires. A few weeks ago, I went over last year's goals with my mentor to soberly assess how well I did, then decide if those goals were "SMART" - specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timely.

Last year's theme was "execution," and although I felt good about the things I got done overall, looking back at my goals, some were woefully unrealistic. From that candid meeting, the word "focus" was stuck in my mind, as my mentor made it a point to let me know that I couldn't be everywhere and everything for everybody.


As I continued to ruminate on what this year's story arc would be, focus didn't capture the energy I was developing. During this time of fasting, assessment, and inquiry, I also devour books. Spiritual, business, relationship, and art all occupy a huge portion of my psyche, and as I listened, the word became clear. 


Chapter 33: Fearless

When I told my girlfriend what the word turned out to be, she was a little surprised, as she already viewed me as someone who was very comfortable taking risks that many people would shy away from. However, I confided in her that even for me, there were areas I'd acquiesced away from purely out of fear.

One of the phrases I was known for sharing throughout our relationship was that God didn't give us a spirit of fear, and that principle is something I truly live by. But that mindset wasn't showing up in every area of my life, and I knew that this year was the year that I had to go by my definition of fearless and not everyone else's.

Does that mean acting stupidly? Of course not, but I know the boldness that is necessary for me to live up to my fullest potential, and I have determined to embody it.

The Big Picture

I invite you to sincerely seek and find what this chapter in your life is. It's okay if you don't know right now, but once you do some thoughtful exploring, I encourage you to lean into your findings with everything you've got.

This is the most thrilling, exciting, and rewarding time of my life, and I'm convinced that for those who accurately assess and embrace this season, it's only going to get better.


“A Message to Supermen” - Friday, January 20, 2023, 7:31 PM


“Saying Less Is Still More” - Tuesday, January 3, 2023, 12:12 PM